The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) is currently accepting applications from public agencies requesting funding for the purchase of new alternative-fuel vehicles.
-READ the official form for more information.
- Be a public agency such as cities, counties, special districts (i.e. water districts, irrigation districts, etc.); public educational institutions (i.e. school districts, community colleges, state universities, etc.) or any other public agency as defined by Government Code section 6252, including those agencies provided for in Article IV and Article VI of the California Constitution, that are located within the geographic area of the SJVAPCD (see map on page 9 for boundaries).
- Provide a resolution from the applicant’s governing body (i.e. City Council or County Board of Supervisors), or other documentation signed by a duly authorized official with authority to make financial decisions, authorizing the submittal of the application and identifying the individual authorized to implement the new vehicle project.
- Commit to a three (3) year contract period.
- Own and operate the vehicle(s) for the full term of the contract.
- Eligible Locations: San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County, Merced County, Madera County, Fresno County, Kings County, Tulare County, Kern County.
For more detailed information click the links below:
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Public Benefits Grant Program:
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District New Alternative Fuel Vehicle Purchase Eligibility Criteria and Application Guidelines. (PDF Download)
- San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District eBike Grant for South Central Fresno, Shafter, or Arvin/Lamont AB 617 communities, or provide direct service to any of these communities. (PDF Download) Public Benefit Guidelines (valleyair.org)
New Alternative Fuel Vehicle Purchase Application (PDF Download)
final-newpurchaspbg-application-w9-fillable-ext.pdf (valleyair.org)